Add attachments and signatures to a record

  1. (If it is not open already) Open the record you want to add attachments and signatures to.

  2. Click the Other tab.

    Note: This tab is nearly identical on the Account, Contact Detail, Invoice, Payments & Credits, and Refunds dialog boxes.

    If any attachments or signatures are required, a check appears in the Required column next to Attachments & Signatures.

  3. Click Attachments & Signatures.

    The Attachments & Signatures dialog box appears.

  4. Use the dialog box to select files or signatures to add to the record.

    Note: Information on attaching files is available in the FH online Help, in the Attach Files topic. Information on capturing a signature is available in the FH online Help, in the About Signature Capture and related topics.

  5. Click Close.

    A check appears in the check box in the Completed column next to Attachments & Signatures. A pair of numbers also appears next to the checkbox; the first number indicates the number of attachments, and the second number indicates the number of signatures attached to the record.

  6. Click Close.