Build a print header list

A print header is the text and any images that appear in the top margin of a document. You can build a list of different headers that your agency or department uses.

Each header can include an image, a document title, and two additional lines of text. You can use this header content flexibility to create custom headers that correspond to the agency or department as a whole, to divisions or teams within the organization, to individual officers or management positions, and so forth.

After you create any headers you need, you can assign a specific header to each of the different documents your agency or department generates. You can assign the same header to multiple documents, or you can assign different headers to individual documents.

Information on assigning headers to documents is available in Assign a print header to a document type.


  • You do not need to define or assign print headers to successfully print documents from the PM module.

  • The ability to work with settings in the PM module depends on what roles and permissions your ESO Suite administrator assigned to your user account. You must have the Print Setup Access permission as part of one of your user roles to work with print headers and associate then with specific documents.

    Information on user accounts, roles, and permissions is available in Manage a user account.

You can build a list of printer header menu options that appear when you click the fields on the Print Setup > Print Header Configuration screen.

Example: The print header menu options you enable on the Print Setup > Print Headers screen appear when you click the Calculation Details or Award Program Results fields on the Print Setup > Print Header Configuration screen.


  1. In the left pane, near the bottom, click the Settings icon.

    If you have the necessary permissions assigned to your ESO Suite user roles to configure settings, the Settings screen appears. The list of features that appears in the left pane reflects your permissions to access and configure the PM module, and whether your agency or department has PM Basic or the full-featured version of the PM module. By default, the module opens to the Certifications and Licenses > EMS screen.

    PM (full version) PM Basic

  2. In the left pane, expand Print Setup, then click Print Headers.

    A list of any print headers already defined appears in the right pane.

  3. Work with the list of print headers in any of the following ways.