Print a person's history

You can generate a summary report of a person's personnel record, and choose which components of the person's history to include in the report.  You can then download the report as a PDF file, or send it to a printer.

Note: You must have the full version of PM to print a person's history.

For information on upgrading to the full version of PM, go to and fill out the fields to request a demonstration and speak with a sales representative.

  1. (If you have not done so already) Open the record of the person you want to work with, as described in Display, filter, and export personnel lists.

    The personnel record opens and displays the page relevant to the list you were working with.

  2. In the upper right corner, click Actions, then choose Print.

    The Personnel History dialog box appears.

    Note: Only options corresponding to your permissions in the PM module appear in the dialog box.

  3. Select which pieces of personnel history you want to include in the report.
  4. For Start Date and End Date, click the calendar icon on the right end of the field and select the appropriate date from the calendar that appears to define the time line you want to pull the report data from.
  5. Click Print.

    The PM module generates a report for the person, based on your selections and the date range you specified, and the report appears in a separate window.

    Note: You must enable browser pop-ups for the ESO Suite site for the report window to appear.

    Across the top of the report, information such as the number of pages and standard icons, such as printing, saving, highlighting, and so forth, appear.

  6. Use the standard icons to work with the generated report as needed.