Set application list visibility in other ESO Suite modules

Application lists are lists of personnel or staff members who are qualified to do a particular job, and whose name you want to appear as an selectable choice in other modules in the ESO Suite. These lists of personnel or staff members appear in several ESO Suite modules, such as the EHR, Fire Incidents, and Patient Registry modules. The roles and permissions your ESO Suite administrator assigned to your user account, determines what modules you can access as a user, and what actions you can perform with those modules.

Being able to control application lists lets you limit the list of personnel that appear as options to only those qualified for a particular job.

Example: Your department or agency may have dozens of personnel, but only a handful of them are qualified as fire fighters and can respond to a fire incident. When you are filling out a fire incident report, it reduces potential error if only the qualified personnel, identified as available to appear in the Fire module appear, can be selected from personnel lists.

Information on user accounts, roles, and permissions is available in Manage a user account.

  1. (If you have not done so already) Open the record of the person you want to work with, as described in Display, filter, and export personnel lists.

    The personnel record opens and displays the page relevant to the list you were working with.

    PM (full version) PM Basic

  2. In the left pane, click Application Lists.

    The Applications Lists page appears.

  3. On the right side of the Application Lists section, click Edit.

    The Application Lists dialog box appears on the right.

  4. For Available in EHR Personnel List and Available in Fire Apps Personnel List, drag the button to the Yes or No position to indicate whether or not the person is available for selection as a crew member in an EHR and/or fire incident record.

    For Available in Fire Apps Personnel List, if you dragged the slider to Yes, the NFIRS Employee # field appears.This is a required field for incident records.

  5. (If necessary) In NFIRS Employee #, type the NFIRS employee number for the person.

    If you had entered the NFIRS employee number when initially creating the individual's personnel record, or later on the Work tab of the individual's personnel record, that number automatically populates in NFIRS Employee # here. If you enter or change the NFIRS employee number in NFIRS Employee # now, the number on the Work tab updates to reflect the change.


  6. For Enabled for Learning Academy, drag the button to the Yes or No position to indicate whether or not the person can log in to EMS1 Academy or FireRescue1 Academy, to work on training courses there.

    Note: This option appears only if your agency or department has purchased integration with Lexipol's EMS1 Academy or FireRescue1 Academy. Enabling it allows the EMS1 and/or FireRescue1 Academy to send completed-class information back to the PM module.

    For information on integrating with these Lexipol Academies, contact your ESO Suite sales representative.

  7. Click Save.