Generate an audit log
When you need to research, identify and resolve inconsistencies or unusual patterns in your stock counts and quantities, you can generate an audit log for every transaction that occurred within a specific date range, for a specific location and item.
Example: Two days ago your agency's personnel counted 20 boxes of 2 x 2 gauze pads, but the Inventory module indicates that you should have 11 boxes. You can review all changes recorded in the Inventory module to the number of these gauze pads in the last couple of days, to verify the count discover where these pads were used or sent.
If you have not done so already) Access the Inventory module in the ESO Suite.
Do one of the following.
(If you are already working in the ESO Suite) Click the Home icon in the upper left corner of the screen.
(If you have not yet logged in) Log in to the ESO Suite.
In a web browser, go to
The ESO Suite login screen appears.
Enter your user name, password, and agency name, then click Let's Go.
If MFA is enabled, the Multi-factor authentication dialog box appears, displaying one or more methods you can use to verify your login credentials. The number of methods that appear in the dialog box depends on what MFA methods your ESO Suite administrators enabled in the Admin module.
Click graphics
to open them.Information on enabling MFA and specific MFA methods is available in the Admin module online help, in Configure multiple-factor authentication.
Note: If your ESO Suite administrators have disabled MFA ("opted-out"), this dialog does not appear.
(If the Multi-factor authentication dialog box appears) Depending on which buttons appear in the dialog box, verify your login in one of the following ways.
With an authenticator application.-
Click MFA verification via authenticator app.
The dialog box updates with boxes for entering the numbers of the authentication code, and the ESO Suite sends an authentication code to the authenticator application installed on your device.
Open your authenticator application and note the authentication code currently displayed.
Enter the authentication code displayed in the authenticator application.
Click Log In.
With a text message (SMS).-
Click MFA verification via SMS.
The dialog box updates with boxes for entering the numbers of the authentication code, and the ESO Suite sends an authentication code to the phone number recorded in your PM records and identified with MFA codes.
Enter the authentication code sent to your MFA-registered phone number.
Click Log In.
With an email message.-
Click MFA verification via email.
The dialog box updates with boxes for entering the numbers of the authentication code, and the ESO Suite sends an authentication code to your agency or department email address, recorded in your PM records.
Enter the authentication code sent to your agency or department email address.
Click Log In.
The ESO Suite landing screen appears.
Click graphics
to open them.Note: If MFA is enabled, you can access and manage your MFA options through the PM module, on the Settings > Account page, as described in Manage a user account. If your agency or department has enabled MFA but has not purchased the full-featured version of the PM module, you can access your own MFA settings by clicking Change my Multi-Factor Authentication settings on the landing screen, then using the Settings > Account page that appears. If your agency has not enabled MFA, the Change my Multi-Factor Authentication settings link does not appear on the landing screen.
On the top side of the home screen, click Inventory.
The Inventory module opens, displaying the Action now page.
Click graphics
to open them.
In the left pane, near the bottom, click the Settings icon.
The Settings screen appears, displaying the Overview pane on the right. This page provides a summary of the information in the Settings pages. The Overview pane groups the information into drop-downs named Medications, Medical Supplies, Locations, Mappings, and Users. By default, these drop-downs are expanded; however, you can collapse and expand them as needed to view only the information you want.
In the left pane of the Settings pages, click Audit log.
The Audit Log page appears on the right.
Display the order history for the inventory item you want to review.
For Select Date Range, click the calendar icon on the right end of the field and, from the calendar that appears, select the start and end dates you want the audit log to encompass.
For Location, click the field or the list icon to the right of the field, then select the appropriate single option from the menu that appears to identify the station you want the audit log pull data for.
In Select Item, type the name of the item you want to audit log to pull data for, then select the inventory item you want information for.
As you type, a menu with items matching the characters you typed so far appears.
Click Load Table.
The Inventory module searches the order history within the dates you specified, for the inventory item you selected, and lists any matching results in a table format in the page.
(Optional) Manage the amount of data displayed on the page.
You can control how much data appears on the page, search for items in the entire list, search individual columns, sort and filter column contents, hide and display columns, and so forth.
Depending on what data you want to view on the page, do one or more of the following.
Search the entire list for a character combination.You can search the entire list for a specific combination of characters, regardless of what column the data appears in.
Above the list of items, on the right side, in the Search items field, type the combination of characters you want to search the entire list for.
As you type each character, the list of items on the page reduces to only those whose names or values contain that combination of characters.
Example: If you typed the characters
, the entire list reduces to display only the items whose names or values contain these characters.
Search within a column for a character combination.You can search the Item Description columns for a specific combination of characters. This may be preferable to searching the entire list for a character combination that may occur in multiple columns and provide a longer list of matches than you need.
At the top of the column you want to search, in Search, type the combination of characters you want to search the entire list for.
As you type each character, the list of items in the column reduces to only those whose names or values contain that combination of characters.
Sort the entire list into ascending or descending order, based on the values in a column.-
At the top of the Date, Type, User, and Location Source columns, click the column sort () icon.
The ascending values () icon appears and the column sorts from A–Z, or from 1 to the highest numerical value.
Click the ascending values icon to sort the list into descending order.
The descending values () icon appears and the column sorts from Z–A, or from the highest numerical value to 1.
Hide or display entire columns.You can decide which columns of data you want to display on the page and which columns you do not need, and hide the unnecessary columns. You can also redisplay any columns you hid in past.
Above the list of items, on the right side, click the Show/Hide columns menu.
(Optional) In the blank (search) field at the top of the menu, type the combination of characters you want to search the entire list for.
As you type each character, the list of options in the menu reduces to only those whose names contain that combination of characters.
Example: If you typed the character
, the list reduces to only the options that contain that character. -
In the menu, select the check boxes for columns you want to display on the page, and clear the check boxes for columns you want to hide.
Only the columns you selected remain visible on the page.
Example: If your agency does not use need to see the last-order information, you do not need the Qty change (+/-) column on the page. If you clear the check box for the Qty change (+/-) option, the column no longer appears on the page.
(Optional) Download and open the audit report.
You can download the audit report to a spreadsheet at your default download location, and open it for viewing and sharing as needed.
At the top of the list, on the right, click Download Audit Report.
The Inventory module downloads the information in the audit report to a spreadsheet, at your default download location.
Navigate to your default download the location and open the spreadsheet as normal.
The spreadsheet contains even the columns that you have hidden on the Audit Log page.