Generate an audit log

When you need to research, identify and resolve inconsistencies or unusual patterns in your stock counts and quantities, you can generate an audit log for every transaction that occurred within a specific date range, for a specific location and item.

Example: Two days ago your agency's personnel counted 20 boxes of 2 x 2 gauze pads, but the Inventory module indicates that you should have 11 boxes. You can review all changes recorded in the Inventory module to the number of these gauze pads in the last couple of days, to verify the count discover where these pads were used or sent.

  1. In the left pane, near the bottom, click the Settings icon.

    The Settings screen appears, displaying the Overview pane on the right. This page provides a summary of the information in the Settings pages. The Overview pane groups the information into drop-downs named Medications, Medical Supplies, Locations, Mappings, and Users. By default, these drop-downs are expanded; however, you can collapse and expand them as needed to view only the information you want.


  2. In the left pane of the Settings pages, click Audit log.

    The Audit Log page appears on the right.