Enable or disable items in the item catalog

Your agency's item catalog consists of the medicines and medical supplies that your agency controls and potentially holds stock for. You can enable new items in your agency's item catalog, and disable items your agency no longer carries.

Note: You can not disable an item if the agency currently has stock in it at any of the agency's locations. On the Inventory list page, you must remove any stock in the item before disabling it in the item catalog.

  1. In the left pane, near the bottom, click the Settings icon.

    The Settings screen appears, displaying the Overview pane on the right. This page provides a summary of the information in the Settings pages. The Overview pane groups the information into drop-downs named Medications, Medical Supplies, Locations, Mappings, and Users. By default, these drop-downs are expanded; however, you can collapse and expand them as needed to view only the information you want.


    These drop-downs contain one or more categories within them, to help further organize the information.

    Example: The Locations drop-down contains the Stations, Hospitals, and Vehicles categories, to represent the different types of locations your agency may stock with inventory.

    The numbers on the category summaries indicate how many items that your agency currently has enabled in the item catalog, in each category.

    Example: If the numbers on the card are 44/49, that indicates that your agency has enabled 44 of the 49 available items in the catalog, and tracks the inventory records for those 44 items.

  2. Access the items you want to enable or disable in the catalog in one of these ways.

    The corresponding items page appears in the right pane, displaying the full listing of items in that category.


  3. For the item your agency wants to begin or stop stocking, in the item list, in the Availability across your agency column, drag the slider to the right to enable it, or to the left to disable it.

    Example: When your Inventory administrator originally configured the Inventory module, they disabled the listing for acetaminophen in a 32MG/ML oral solution, since the agency did not include it in their item catalog at that time. To add Acetaminophen 32MG/ML Oral Solution to the item catalog now, you would drag the slider it its row to the right to enable that item in the list.

    If you enable an item, the slider in the Availability across your agency column and the Edit button to the right of it activate, to indicate that the item is now available in your agency's item catalog. If you disable an item, the slider and button gray out to indicate that it is deactivated. The Inventory module does not record any stock for disabled items, and disabled items do not appear in lists in other areas of the Inventory module.