Add users and assign inventory roles

You can add and remove your agency personnel to and from the Inventory module, and you can assign them a role within the module that defines what they can and cannot do in it.

Note: Agency personnel must have ESO Suite logins and the Inventory User role assigned to their logins in the Admin module, to appear in the Inventory module as potential users.

Information on creating a user login, assigning roles, and more, is available in Manage a user account.
  1. On the top side of the home screen, click Inventory.

    The Inventory module opens, displaying the Action now page and the Welcome to Inventory! message.

    Click graphics
    to open them.



  2. In Step 6: Allocating user roles (optional), click Assign roles.

    The Inventory module takes you to the Settings pages, and Users page appears on the right. This page lists all the ESO Suite users who currently have access to the Inventory module, and what role is assigned to each user.

  3. Depending on how many users you want to add to the Inventory module at once, do one of the following.

    The selected users appear in the list on the Users page, and are automatically assigned the Inventory module's Users role.

  4. (If necessary, to remove a user from the Inventory module) On the right side of the user's listing, click Remove access.

    The user is instantly removed from list and can no longer perform actions in the Inventory module. The user still exists in the Admin module, however, and you can add them back to the Inventory module again if needed.

  5. For each user on the Users page, in the Role column, click the menu field and choose a role for the user.

    Tip: To view a detailed listing of what each role can perform in the Inventory module, in the left pane, expand Users, then click Roles. The Roles and permissions page appears and displays a table of capabilities for each role.

    Depending on which role you select for a user, specific pages and buttons on pages appear or do not appear for that user in the Inventory module.