Update custom dashboards

ESO Insights is the next-generation data analytics and visualization platform for the ESO Suite. As such, ESO's software developers work tirelessly to improve usability and performance, and to stay in compliance with national schema standards defined by organizations such as NEMSIS and NFIRS. In all ESO-provided dashboards, these improvements are managed seamlessly and you will detect no changes other than improved usability and performance.

Note: For fields that have been moved, renamed, or deleted in the database to comply with schema standards, error messages may appear in custom dashboards. Custom dashboards are copies of ESO dashboards that you have modified to meet your agency's needs, or dashboards you have created completely from a new, blank dashboard.

You need to update your dashboards to resolve these errors, using the directions below.

  1. Check any error descriptions in the dashboard for clues as to what fields are no longer working as expected.

    Example: The error message below indicates that in the EMS data model, in the Incident Times table, the Dispatched field can not be found.

    This error indicates that the field has been moved or deleted. In this particular case, the field was moved to a new table in the data model, and any filters, calculations and widgets that reference this field will have errors when they can not find it.

  2. Repeat the steps above for each dashboard and widget displaying errors.