Print a dashboard report or widget data

You can generate a "snapshot in time" of the data currently displayed on a dashboard or in a widget as a report in a file. You can then print the file and take hard copies of it with you for in-person sharing, or send the file electronically to individuals who can then print the file on their local printer.


  • You must have a designer role assigned to you in the ESO Insights module to download data to a file for printing or emailing. You can only email information for dashboards you are the owner of.

    Information on role assignments is available in Assign user roles in the ESO Insights module.

  • Be aware that PDF files truncate any table at 25 rows, even if there are more rows of data in the table.

  • A "heavy" dashboard is one composed of 16 widgets, including a pivot table. Treemap widgets are especially heavy, often requiring as much time to export as five other widgets. If your dashboard includes a single treemap, consider it heavy at 12 widgets. Exporting the data for a heavy dashboard to a PDF file can take as long as 30 seconds.

  • While distributing a PDF of your dashboard can be useful in a presentation, it may be far more useful to open the live dashboard and dive deeper into the data as needed, which a PDF file does not let you do.