Email or fax a patient record

You can email or fax a patient record to the destination in the patent's record, if that destination has an email address or a fax number defined for it.

The destination is the physical location where the patient was transported by the EMS unit creating the ePCR. This can include hospitals, medical centers, nursing homes, another EMS unit, a residence, a morgue, and so forth.


  • Valid destinations to fax a patient record must be medically appropriate locations, defined in the Admin module, under General > Locations > location type. The email address and fax number must be configured prior to sending an email or fax with the patient's record.
  • Emailing is available to all agencies.

    Caution: The email is not secure, and does not protect PHI.

  • Faxing the patient record is only available to agencies that pay for this service.

Information on defining incident locations is available in Configure location information.

  1. Find the patient record you want to work with.

    Information on searching for a record is available in Search for a patient record.

  2. For the patient record you want to unlock, from the record's list item menu, choose Email or Fax.

    The Email patient care record or Fax patient care record dialog box appears.


  3. Click Send Email or Send Fax.

    The EHR module sends the patient record to the email address or fax number associated with the patient's destination location, and the patient list reappears.