Available Alabama Information

Click below for the latest Alabama state information and updates.

There is no additional information for this state.

Important Information from the Alabama Dept of Public Health

FIREHOUSE Software has handled all of the issues with validations encountered during the testing process, incorporating them into the current package, and are NEMSIS/Alabama compliant.

Your agency will be given no more than 1 month from the date of your email to complete testing with Dean Taylor, or you will be required to use our software to maintain compliance. You will also be required to transmit all of the runs made during the testing period once testing is complete.

Here is the procedure for all FH users who wish to use FIREHOUSE Software in Alabama, including all who have already received compliance:

  1. You will need to be using at least 7.5.61 or greater with the Alabama EMS Component files applied.
  2. After you receive and have applied any required upgrades per FIREHOUSE Software direction, you will need to generate 50 records or 1 week’s worth, for testing.
  3. Contact emsinquiry@adph.state.al.us to let us know you have begun testing and for your grace period to begin.
  4. You will then need to contact dean.taylor@graycosystems.com to go through testing.
  5. After testing is completed you will resume transmission to the State ePCR System, and submit all runs that were held during testing.

Please reference documents at http://emsis.net/alabama for all of the testing procedures.

Dennis Blair
State EMS Director
Alabama Department of Public Health
RSA Tower, Suite 750
P.O. Box 303017 (Zip) 36130-3017
201 Monroe Street (Zip) 36104
Montgomery, Alabama

The Alabama Department of Public Health is not accepting the following EMS Patient Procedure codes.

  • 31.11 Airway-Needle Cricothyrotomy
  • 31.12 Airway-Surgical Cricothyrotomy
  • 34.042 Chest Tube Placement
  • 37.611 Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump
  • 38.91 Arterial Access/Blood Draw
  • 57.94 Urinary Catheterization
  • 86.28 Decontamination
  • 89.59 Orthostatic Blood Pressure Measurement
  • 89.61 Arterial Line Maintenance
  • 89.7 Assessment-Adult
  • 89.701 Assessment-Pediatric
  • 89.702 Pain Measurement
  • 96.03 Airway-EOA/EGTA
  • 96.04 Airway-Orotracheal Intubation
  • 96.701 Airway-Ventilator with PEEP
  • 96.79 Airway-PEEP
  • 99.626 Cardiac Pacing-Transvenous

If these codes are available in your FIREHOUSE Software Procedure Codes Lookup table, we highly recommend marking these codes as ‘Hidden’.

To hide each item:

  1. From Tools menu > Lookup Tables.
  2. Click Options, and choose Find Category.
  3. Type: Procedure Codes
  4. Click Find.
  5. After the Procedure Codes lookup table is highlighted, click Cancel to close the Find dialog box.
  6. Click Setup.
  7. Highlight the code.
  8. Click Edit.
  9. Check the box for Hide this Code.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Repeat the steps for each code listed.

(Date Published 9/3/08)

Some departments have reported a missing medication rate code for Milligrams. The new AL.FHz available after 4/27/2010 includes this code. Download and install the NemsisAL.FHz file, then follow the steps below to add the code to the lookup table.

  1. From Tools menu > Lookup Tables.
  2. Click Options, and Choose Find Category.
  3. Type: Medication Rate
  4. Click Find.
  5. After the Medication Rate lookup table is highlighted, click Cancel to close the Find dialog box.
  6. Click the Options and choose Install Export EMS/Search & Rescue Incident Codes.
  7. The Preset Lookup Codes dialog box will appear. Two MG codes will be listed.
  8. Highlight ONLY the MG 4345 code
  9. Click OK.


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